Aug 31Liked by Mohika Mudgal

oh my goodness this is precious Mo... and you are precious...

I have more than double your age and I wish I had 0.0000001% of your life wisdom. Well I am happy to be as I am.. and I am so happy to have met you here ✨

I know you don't need validation from strangers but let me tell you that you are a very unique gem, and your family and this world are very fortunate for you, for being you as you are.... wonderful 🙏

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Forrest, your words touched my heart more than I can express. Thank you for such kindness—it truly means the world to me. ✨ Age brings its own wisdom, and I’m sure you carry a wealth of it that I can only dream of. I’m so grateful that our paths have crossed here. Your presence, insights, and warmth make this space even more special. Sending you a big hug!

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Aug 31Liked by Mohika Mudgal

I spent almost all my adult life abroad, away from friends and family, forming a version of me so true to me that I had the opposite problem of figuring out how to coexist with others. That’s why this has been so I refreshing to read Mo, to get the perspective of someone who has been getting to know themselves. I too think we spend too much energy to make these versions of ourselves for people around us, probably so that we will be liked. I’ve found peace only when I stop thinking if I have to be this or that for people, and just BE.

And for what it’s worth, the small amount of time I have met you for you are a delight! May you be even more you tomorrow 😊

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We waste too much time being something for someone else, don’t we? Twisting, bending, just to be liked. But the real peace, the kind that settles deep in your bones, comes when you stop caring about that and just exist as you are. We’ve crossed paths & you are a light. May your light only grow brighter.

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Aug 31Liked by Mohika Mudgal

The feeling you get when you realise that you’ve put your own opinions about your life before that of others is priceless. Unlocking the strength within yourself to make yourself whole is the ultimate milestone.

Thank you for sharing my essay, Mo 🫶🏾.

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2Author

you're one of the best writers I've come across!

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Sep 2Liked by Mohika Mudgal

Oh wow. That is mighty praise, Mo 🥹🥹. Thank you so much for that. It means a lot to hear that.

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So nice, Mihika. I love your drawings!

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Thank you! I love a lil scribble scribble!

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“There’s nothing anyone can teach you that you don’t already know. Your soul holds all the answers.” Thank you for this lovely reminder. And for sharing your story with us so vulnerably. I could definitely relate to what you said about feeling unsafe at home and often disconnected from my body.

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Virtual hugs to youuuuu Nida. We are strong, graceful, powerful women!

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Sep 9Liked by Mohika Mudgal

needed to read this right now 💜

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Hey Gala! I love your name! How are you?

I'm so happy this essay gave you what you needed. I recently came across the term "soul-medicine" I hope it served as soul-medicine for you. Much love 🧡

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Sep 9Liked by Mohika Mudgal

thank you!! I used to hate my name when I was little but I have grown to love it. 'soul-medicine' what a beautiful term, it definitely did that for me. Can't wait to see what you post next

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"Let this be a gentle nudge to you. You can be your own shoulder to lean on. You don’t constantly need friends or the energy to be busy. You don’t need your phone to hide behind, scrolling away. Practice meeting yourself. You are a whole being. I love you."----the world needs to hear this, dear Mohika, and thank you for being one to share these profound and insightful words. I love you 🩵

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Iloveyou so much Deanna 🧡🧡

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Ah....coming to find ourselves is a most interesting trip! You share a near mirrored reflection of myself at your age. What I can tell you is that the discovery of yourself is a most necessary one, and well worth all of the challenges, and pains....it is so worth it! I think you are ALREADY finding this out! Your writing certainly is reflective of it! Isn't it a rather wonderful journey of ah-hahs and surprises?! Mo, keep being the glorious BEING you are! Thank you, too, for the reminder that we all, no matter our age, are always transforming and that we need to keep true to ourselves and do ALL the things that keep us centered in our life learning! Much love to you! ~Wendy💜🤗

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So much love right back at you dear Wendy! Life sure is full of ah-has! and so many surprises!!! Living it is one thing, and then having wonderful humans like you, acknowledge these similar feelings is a whole new kind of love! I feel so connected!

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beautiful journey. glad to see you on the other side of what i know is an arduous journey at times. OMIGOSH vintage bottles. Love. Hard to come by here in the jungle but lots of propagating in whatever I can find.

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water propogation is the bestttttttttttt, stress free (except if the cat knocks the bottle and it shatters) & mostly promising! but yes, i have not succeeding water propogating a flowering plant.

PS: Thank you so much for making time to read and engage!!

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Sep 4·edited Sep 5Liked by Mohika Mudgal

Geraniums are easy to propagate by taking a stem and just putting it an inch into soil and keeping it damp. I had about 100 geranium plants from one or two cuttings that just went nuts. Easiest year round flowering plant. Most flowering plants propagate from seed not water. Vines and woody stems and bamboos do great in water. Save the those beautiful bottles from your sweet kittys antics!! lol. precious. All of it

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Oh Megan! THANK YOU. I loveeee flowers just as much as I love pothos and arrow heads. I’m going to give geraniums a shot!

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This is so beautifully put! Our bodies definitely know and I'm so happy to read that you are listening to yours!

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Hello hello! So happy to find your comment this afternoon! Thank you so much for making time to read and engage with my work, Nivetha! Wishing you a lovely day ahead

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Your energy is so healing to me.

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likewise dear marilyn!

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Wonderful heartfelt writing~

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Thanks Max!

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Peace & love

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Basking in it and sending some your way too dear paolo!

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