I like this, Mohika. The peaceful persistence of ordinary objects. Beautiful does not mean extraordinary. It's like a little incarnation of gentle joys....

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Exactly 💯 thank you for making time to read and share your thoughts, David!

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Oh - my pleasure, Mohika! Reading it brought a smile to my face :)

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i felt peace wash over me as I read this

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Yes, these are ordinary things, but one should pay attention to the language to describe them that is not, in any way, ordinary. Good poem!

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Your words are ones to savor. Beautiful poem. 🧡☺️

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I’m grateful for your presence here!

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So MUCH love this, Mo! Finding the wonderful in everyday items or experiences! It really makes me think of all we take for granted in this life. If we could look more intently on that which is ordinary, maybe we wouldn't be so ALL consumed with wanting such quantity of the latest shiny things. Your poem hit all the senses and I felt as though I were right there getting to appreciate them in person. You gave these items life! Superb phrasing in "tracing dreams sketched in delicate lines; marking the passage of moments too fleeting to hold." Definitely enjoyed your samples of poetry! Do write and share more!

As for my ordinary things? All of the natural creations on this earth do spark life in me; we walk passed these things so often with little account of their significance. Living on a small ranch.....baby ducks in hatch, watching them grow and explore the world, get their 'big duck' feathers and the joy they find in rain! They are most entertaining puddle jumpers! Flowers, trees, bugs, frogs....getting a front seat view to their navigating life is a miraculous one. Oh, and I go on walks every night with our Chocolate Lab and always come back with a new, interesting rock, or fossilized clam or snail shell! Drift wood also provides uniqueness in nature's art! These everyday things bring wonder to my mind daily considering the cycles of life, and they keep me in awe of this glorious world in which we live. What a gift it all is! Well wishes to you and thanks for bringing this reminder to see the extraordinary in the ordinary! Big hugs, my friend! ~Wendy

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Dear Wendy, I’d like to admit I’ve never been around when ducks puddle jump! I have seen ducks, and I’ve seen jumps, but never the two together! I can only imagine how entertaining that must be. I have also never ever lived on a ranch. Everything around me is city. Tall building for work. Tall building for homes. Narrow roads. I am blessed there are trees around me, not nearly enough as I’d like (which is why I escape to the mountains twice a year), BUT cannot complain, I’m happy there’s trees.

Your message made me realise that everybody’s ordinary can be SO different! A totally different life! That’s so beautiful, it means my common is your new and your common is my new whenever we come across it—and then the ordinaries become extraordinary!

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Hello, Mo! Well, you have expressed this so beautifully!! "Your message made me realise that everybody’s ordinary can be SO different! A totally different life! That’s so beautiful, it means my common is your new and your common is my new whenever we come across it—and then the ordinaries become extraordinary!" I just LOVE this! A wonderful perspective!!

You are living in a city, something I have never done (at least not a city of any significant size!) I have been to many, though. Still, I have no idea what it is like to work and live in tall buildings or traverse the narrow roads between them. I've been on some tight roads in the country, but am sure traveling on them is still a very different experience! This makes me excited to hear about your common! There is always something to be learned, appreciated, and marveled when connecting with others whose experience is not our own! It is probably why I LOVE books so MUCH! The chance to live vicariously through and see things through someone else's lens....isn't it AMAZING!?! ~Wendy

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What a gorgeous poem, Mo. No wonder you are such an eloquent poet! You've been at it for years. Thank you for your beauty.

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*be right back, I'm blushing!* 💖💖💖

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Mohika’s poem does an excellent job of “marking the passage of moments

too fleeting to hold.”

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That's a beautiful comment, Paul! Thank you so much 🥰🥰

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You're welcome. Mohika--you made excellent use of that prompt—something I find difficult—and the result is worthy of admiration.

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Pure love

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💖🧡💜 did the poem make you feel this wayyy

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Wonderful poem, Mo. There is beauty and healing all around us.

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yes all around us, even in times we forget or refuse to see it 🧡

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Your poems are a balm for our soul, I'll re-read them many more times with delight.

You bring so much joy to our hearts with your words...Appreciating the beauty in everyday things and in everything is key. I am so grateful for your presence, for your gaze, for your words, for all of you Mo

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Likewise & more, Forrest! Likewise & more!

I find it easier to write prose than poetry hahaha. Maybe I judge myself or the poem for not turning out exactly how I thought it would/should. That's my ongoing struggle! Poems will be born as they are, like newborn babies - they have their own personality - you can raise them in any way you think best but they'll still become what they become!

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SO true. I solve this problem by writing waaay too many poems.

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