Oh my word, Sis!! I totally get you. Although, if a spider appeared on my couch, I would definitely relocate him to a better spot immediately. Because I'm an old lady. I can't have him jumping out and scaring me half to death. If he wants to hang in the corner though, I'm cool with that. Just so I'm clear, when I walk through a spider web, and that happens often because I am outside often, you definitely want the cameras rolling on that one because that freaks me out a little. My hair is so big, there is probably a spider condo in there, unbeknownst to me and I can't have that. Thanks for sharing. XO

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Hahahaha you're so funnnny!!!! Yes, relocating definitely seems like a good idea!!! Like you I'm beyond okay with spiders existing around me but TOUCHING ONE freaks me out!

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The other day, one of my friends was over and there was a big wolf spider climbing on the wall. I got out a cup to scoop him into and she said, "OMG!" She picked it up WITH HER HANDS!!!!! Arrrrggghhh. I'm not sure I can be friends with her anymore! :-) XO

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absolutely love this saturday post. You're just magnificent. my favourite book so far is eleven minutes by paulo coelho. You should give it a read.

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Ooohhhhh! I love a good Paulo Coelho book. Thanks for the rec!! XO

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Thank you so much Karnika for ALWAYS cheering me on & reading what I write. I'm so grateful for your presence and support. God bless. You know I was around 11 or 12 when I picked up a Paulo Coelho book called, "winner stands alone" and at the time it was so advanced for me, I was easily intimidated. And never got around to reading any Paulo Coelho after that - probably an internal bias! BUT TODAY, i'm adding Eleven Minutes to my Amazon TBR and will definitely give the author a second chance 🧡💫

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Hey beautiful writing Mo. Loved the innocence and your creativity in this one💚 yes me and my brother are fan of Mitch Albom too. Our favourite one is his Tuesdays with Morrie😊

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Thank you so much Harneek for your comment & also recommending an essay I wrote earlier in your newsletter's recent edition! 🧡💫 I'm truly flattered. Also, LOVE Tuesdays With Morrie!

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So, you befriended a spider? I have a caterpillar sleeping in my bedroom and he climbs on my clock radio in the middle of the night! I was trying to trap him in a pickle jar but he's too smart! I would have to stay up all night to try to catch him! I give up, Mr. Caterpillar!

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Hahahahah Yes!!!!! I've only now started befriending insects & bugs in our environment - a few months ago I was PETRIFIED but slowly the approach is changing 🧡💫 Do tell me what kind of butterfly you caterpillar friend transforms into! I'd loveee to know!

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I wasn’t expecting to read a letter to a spider today and love it. But I guess weirder things have happened in life.

Great stuff, Mo.

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Weirder the better, I guess? Haha! 🧡💫 Thank you for reading all the way through! Are you reading any books at the moment you'd like to recommend me? It's my 25th birthday exactly a month from today on July 17th and I will be getting lots of books!!!

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I just finished reading Arrow of God by Chinua Achebe recently. It’s a novel that follows a chief priest in Southeastern Nigeria during the early periods of colonialism in Nigeria.

Last year, I read a few 20th century classics. The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway was a nice read and I also really enjoyed The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald. You might have read these already but these are few I’d recommend.

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