Jul 31Liked by Mohika Mudgal

I love this so much

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I'm so happy about that, Sayeda! You have a beautiful name! What does it mean?

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Jul 30Liked by Mohika Mudgal

Made me miss my own dadi! I love how you weave mindfulness into each word. Beautiful. Thank you!

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I cannot imagine a future without her and that makes me live today with so much presence and gratitude 💕🙏 thank you for reading and sharing

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Mohika.. I can feel your love all the way from this end of the world. Wishing many more years of joy for you and your dadi 🌷

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Beautiful contemplations here, Mo! Don't we all question how we converse with God and what we ask or don't ask of Him?! I've likely worn God out with my questions and prayers!! Not really! Not that God can get worn out, but I can definitely keep Him busy! Logistics? Point systems? These things seem a mathematical approach to the questions, and very much how our human minds grapple with things when we want singular solutions like those we get in math or those unambiguous, check the box, Yes/No answers that are final and direct. So EASY! I do love that about math! It is harder, though, to wrap our minds around those questions that may have multiple answers or interpretations; these seem to require more questions, more work, and more from us, not just God telling us exactly what to do, think, or feel. I know some may see God with such specific requirements and linear answers, and that works for them and who they are; I am sure they, too, get the answers they seek. For me, my thinking is not only circular, but wavy like ripples on a pond. Ripples that reach an up-sticking old tree trunk and set off other ripples in other directions. Is there truly a right and perfect way to pray or a right and perfect set of words to combine in prayer? The answers to these questions each person must find for themselves. My only solid belief about prayer is that all prayers, sent from a pure heart and with pure intentions are heard and known to God and He does answer every one! Maybe not according to our will and wishes, but to His. I just have to come to a place within myself to accept the divine answer. Not always EASY! Who likes a NO!?! As I think back to my youthful days and recall prayers, I literally pleaded for things and relationships, etc. that I so desperately wanted, and was sure I needed at the time. I give a 'knowing' smile now! Well, an old Country Western song by Garth Brooks may have said it best. The song is called "Unanswered Prayers." Those lyrics have SURE played out in my life! Sometimes the 'unanswered' IS the answer! Whew! Who knew!? I'm sure my grandmother's did! They just let me learn it for myself...which, was smart; I don't think I would have believed them at the time! Well, I love that your post has taken me on a journey of thought and heartfelt consideration to such questions of spirit. To memories also of grandmother's, and homemade butter! YUM!! What a joy it would be to sit at your table and share that tasty treat! And, Mo, thank you dearly for sharing your personal experiences and thoughts. Very moving! Look forward, as always, to your posts and continued conversation! Many blessings to you, ~Wendy

P.S. Quite a long response=impactful post! Word math! ; )

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Hi Wendy,

Wow, your comment feels like a warm hug and a deep conversation rolled into one! Thank you for taking the time to share such thoughtful words. It’s comforting to know that others also ponder the intricacies of how we converse with God and navigate the complexities of faith and prayer. I chuckled at the idea of "keeping God busy"—it's such a relatable thought!

I love how you described thinking as "wavy like ripples on a pond." It’s a beautiful metaphor that captures the fluid and ever-expanding nature of our spiritual journeys. The idea that there's no one "right" way to pray or seek answers resonates with me deeply. It's all about intention and the purity of heart, isn't it? Your perspective on prayer and divine answers, whether they align with our wishes or not, offers such wisdom. Accepting the 'no' answers, especially, is a challenging but necessary part of growth.

The mention of Garth Brooks' "Unanswered Prayers" brought a smile to my face. It's amazing how music and memories, like those of your grandmothers, can offer clarity and comfort in ways we don’t always expect. And yes, homemade butter and the simple joys of sitting at a table together—those moments truly are special.

Your words have sparked a lot of joy and reflection for me, and I’m grateful for our continued conversations. It’s readers like you who make sharing these thoughts worthwhile. Thank you for being a part of this journey with me. Wishing you many blessings and a wonderful day ahead!



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Warm hugs all the way around, Mo!! Bless you for your engagement with me, with your depth of conversation! Something so wonderful about this space through Substack is the incredible people, the connections, the conversations, the contemplations we all have about this walk through life, and more! Certainly feel that talking with you! Meeting people we may otherwise have not encountered feels particularly divine to me. Once you wrote of old souls finding old souls and that really resonated with me. Each post of yours that I read really confirms that! I am late getting on here today, and just saw you have another new post! My heart smiles as I anticipate the read….I’m saving it for the morning so that I will have something wonderful to greet me when I log on to Substack for the day! Thank you, again, for the beautiful and engaging reply. Warmest wishes for a good night and a fabulous day meeting the sun tomorrow! ~Wendy

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Beautiful ❤️

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Thank you Paolo!

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Liked by Mohika Mudgal

I've read with delight several times your essay. Your words are so full of life, so sweet, so incredibly touching...I have no words.. I am wondering how to honor such a gift you gave us. Prayer is a form of communication with the divinity. Remember, there's divinity in you, Mo. Communication is rooted in the past-participle stem of the Latin *communicare* meaning "to share, join, unite... literally, to make common." It's something about community—community with yourself and the divine, if there's any difference. Yes, you are divine 🙏

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As are you, Forrest ❤️ thank you for sharing this knowledge here. I use my prayers to voice the desires in my heart. Thank you so very much for your sweet blessings and love. There's a word in my culture which we use to greet or say goodbye to eachother and that's, "Namaste 🙏". It means, the divinity in me sees the divinity in you 💓

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Jul 28Liked by Mohika Mudgal

Namaste dearest Mo 🙏🏻

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Jul 24Liked by Mohika Mudgal

Other than asking for healing safety and happiness for my loved ones and beind thankful for my life and gifts, i mostly listen in Silence.

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That's a beautiful way of living life 🧬💓

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I used to pray! I used to have faith! But lately my faith is as big or small as a mustard seed! I would pray through my poems! Perhaps I could pray through my poems again!

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Perhaps your poems have been prayers all along 💕🙏 sending you love Connie

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Hi Mo, You might be write! (right) Thanks. Connie❤️❤️

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I don't pray anymore. I'm quite comfortable with random chance. A woman walking across a room, touching people, and healing one... I'm okay with that chance.

But I will pray when I'm scared even with the knowledge that it is futile - the prayer, not my actions.

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Actions definitely help execute our desires 🙏 sometimes the praying plants the seed

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Jul 24Liked by Mohika Mudgal

I like to think that the most important part of prayer is sincerity. A sincere plea for help from the Most High is what makes the difference for me.

Thank you for sharing such personal aspects of your life with us, Mo.

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You’re so right! Being truthful helps one believe in themselves and their wants and if there is a god, then yes they too will see through us

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Jul 24Liked by Mohika Mudgal

This makes me miss my homebody life!


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Hello Ipshita! Do you stay away from family? What does your day look like, I’m curious! Wishing you the best of days ahead 🧡

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