Aug 1Liked by Mohika Mudgal

Happy belated birthday!

I am also blessed with a love that I get to share the highest of highs and the lowest of lows with.

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we are lucky souls sam!

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Coincidences? No.

Karma? Absolutely.

Everything happens for a reason? Ask the Universe. I have no idea.

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Yup! this made me think - if there are no coincidences, that means things that are supposed to happen, happen, but is there any deeper meaning to them? a reason? maybe! maybe not!

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Thank you so much for sharing, Mohika. Happy Birthday, darling girl! 🥰 if we didn't all sometimes teeter between self-love and self-loathing, there wouldn't be any growth or found wisdom. The most important part is that you have a safe place to land within your own heart. XO

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Yes, the safe spaces within our heart sometimes get muddy 💕 that's okay, we keep cleaning and coming home to ourselves. Thank you for the birthday wishes Danielle 💝

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Jul 20Liked by Mohika Mudgal

Sometimes, stubbornness leads us to unnecessary struggles, and it's okay to recognize when to change course…. Well I need to hear this more often my love… Thnk u for sharing this beautiful experience of yours… the beauty of ur writing is that I often find myself with u there when I read.. like I felt exiting a metro station, walking on a road dare under by trees and even sweat rolling down my forehead.. u my doll know magic… magic of bringing everything to live.. I am so happy to see you increasing subscribers and so many readers like me who could relate and sometimes even live every piece u write… happy bday once again my precious Mo… love, Massi

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You see the best in me and shower me with endlesssss love and appreciation masi 💜💜💜💜 I love you so much

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Jul 20Liked by Mohika Mudgal

I love your style

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Thanks Girl!!!

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Happy birthday Mo (a few days late)! I love your sweet and self-deprecating writing. Today is my alter-ego’s birthday and I’m having a Joy party for her with ice cream cones. Her name is Rosie and she got a free ice cream by claiming this day as her birthday. My birthday is December 19, not the best day for a Baskin Robbin’s free cone. Stay cool girlfriend.

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Happy Birthday to Rosie!!!!! I hope she savoured her icecream and enjoyed her birthday!!! 🧡🧡🧡

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19Liked by Mohika Mudgal

Moltíssimes felicitats!!! That's what we say in my mother tongue to wish a happy birthday. I just would love to thank you for being as you are, for writing such awesome, beautiful, and touching words that shake my soul and make tears of emotion drop. Thank you, thank you for being you, Mohika, and for the gift of sharing this wonderful planet with us. 🙏

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Thank you so much! Moltíssimes gràcies for your incredibly kind words. It's a blessing to be able to share my thoughts and words with such wonderful souls like you. Your support and appreciation mean the world to me. Thank you for being a part of this beautiful journey and for making it even more special. With all my love and gratitude, Mohika

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Jul 18Liked by Mohika Mudgal

Happy belated birthday!! I wanted to comment yesterday but things have been very frantic here. I made time to read your post today, and I'm so glad I did. I think many, many people identify with your mixture of emotions, especially your self-facing thoughts. I know I do 100%.

The fact that English is not your native tongue is even more incredible. You are very eloquent in English. I never would have guessed. I only wish I knew Hindi so I could absorb your writing/speaking where it is most comfortable! It's a beautiful language, both written and spoken. From what I gather, its grammar is somewhat similar to Japanese (subject-object-verb, as opposed to English which is usually subject-verb-object), which I studied for some years (and lived in Japan for about 5 months).

THANK YOU so much for the kind quote and shout-out to my Substack!

You are very blessed to have a loving partner. I have one too. We too had our times of living apart, and we got through them, and it was so very worth it. Love and faith and communication will get you through it. Now we have a home with two beautiful children, and my life is richer than I could ever have dreamed of. I KNOW you can achieve your dreams too.

Keep it up, keep writing, keep crying, keep noticing when you're being hard on yourself, and keep working on self love. I will do the same.

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Wow Mike! I appreciate your candidness with me so much 💜 I love how frankly you share what you feel, simply and almost poetically (duh! you ARE a poet!) but why label an artist with such tags, you're so much more! Epic father, fellow reader, language learner, and appreciator of beautiful things!

Thank you so much for your birthday wishes and making time to read this post. You're right, life sorts itself out 💜 Our only job is to live it raw, wild, and full of colour!

I send my love to your partner and kids and may there always be laughter everywhere around you 💞🧿

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Jul 18Liked by Mohika Mudgal

Beautiful. All of this.

🎈 Happy Birthday

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Thank you so much!!!

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Blessed Earthstrong, dear Mohika! (that's how we say happy birthday here in Jamaica!). I hope your special day was full of peace, love, connection, and magic. 🌈 I enjoy believing that everything happens for a reason but the reality is, I don't really know much of anything for sure 🤣 My heart feels happy for you that you found someone to share your life with that cares for you and sees you as you are. What a gift and a blessing!

Oh and walking in 45 degrees?! That's super intense heat to say the least! I imagine that cold shower once you arrived was heavenly ✨

Thank you deeply and kindly for sharing my words and my publication here in your article. I appreciate you so very much and am grateful for our connection in this space. A deep bow and a lotus for you, beautiful Mohika 🙏🪷

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Heheheh my eyes tear up every time I read your comments! ❤️ I feel so happy and blessed. I'm wishing the same peace and connection upon you 💗💗💗

Yes, since that day I have never ever walked to his house again (unless it drizzled or it's winter time!) haaha, learning and growing every single day.

I love you, and I hear you ❤️

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Likewise, Mohika! ❤️‍🔥

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Happy Birthday, Mohika.

Your openness about your struggles and growth is inspiring. Keep writing and sharing your experiences.

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Thank you soo much Tinashe! I’m so happy you’re feeling inspired! I hope you have a lovely day!

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Happy birthday Mohika! Lovely read. Enjoy him, the golden amaltas, your youth, and even the heat! Before you know it, it’ll be winter:)

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Oh Anu you’re so right!!!! Thank you for reading this essay and engaging with it 🧡

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Jul 18Liked by Mohika Mudgal

Happy Birthday, Mo! Thank you for sharing such an intimate part of your life. It’s a powerful reminder to appreciate the small victories and the warmth of loved ones, even when the path is tough. Your gratitude shines through, and it's truly inspiring.

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Thanks Mo! Always appreciate your presence here 🧡I feel blessed you drive value from my work

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I was once told, “this world is too small for coincidences.” I’m even starting to believe it. A most happy birthday to you 💚

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🧡🧡🧡🧡 you're right, maybe there is no such thing as a "co-incidence!'

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Jul 18Liked by Mohika Mudgal

Great piece 🌿

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Thank you, Richa 🧡

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Happy Belated Birthday, Mohika! Do hope it was spectacular! I just came across your magazine today...we both enjoy reading A Shy Guy Meets the Buddha by Don Boivin! So, this post of yours was my first read and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Love, LOVE your self description! Though we are ages apart, I recognized myself in your words! I won't pass up subscribing to anyone of similar spirit! Look forward to reading more of your writing! Cheers and blessings! ~W

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Hi Wendy,

Thank you so much for the belated birthday wishes! My day just got a whole lot better with your message. I'm so thrilled you enjoyed this post! 🧡 Don's work is incredible.

It's amazing how physical age can be anything, but souls of the same age eventually find each other. I'm so grateful we've connected, and I can't wait to check out your work too!

Cheers and blessings to you as well!

Warmly, Mo

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Well, Mo! My smile can’t get any bigger! And, this….

“It's amazing how physical age can be anything, but souls of the same age eventually find each other.”

Thank you for putting those extra sparkles on my heart! I have always felt the recognition and connection to ‘Old Souls’ and you so beautifully express that here! So, a warm Hello from one old soul to another! Thank you for checking out my work as well! Many blessings, ~Wendy

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